Project GT Junior

Winter 1999. Progress had previously come to halt while I waited for parts. New fenders for the stepnose GTs are rare as hen's teeth, however, Matt Jones at Re-Originals was able to find an NOS stepnose right front from his amazing sources in Italy. Eventually an NOS left fender will turn up as well.

The right fender is just visible atop the red parts washer cabinet in the background.

A fair amount of trepidation preceded cutting off the nose. Hours were spent figuring out where the best places to make the cuts would be, as I would need to salvage the nose and possibly the right hand fender as well.

Happily, the front cross member is straight and sound and will clean up.

Ugly corner. Familiar lines of battery tray evident here.
Off come the fenders. Tools used are air-powered 3" rotary cutoff wheel and nibbler, electric skill saw with metal-cutting blade. Drill-mounted spot weld cutter is used later to separate along original join lines.
Interior of right fender after preliminary blasting. Old repair seams are clearly visible.
Same view of donor car. How am I going accomplish the transplant?

Continued... p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7

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