AlfaCentro Feature Articles
Quad AlfaCentro Posting Space
If you've ever wanted to post a picture or story about your pride and joy, or share the miraculous new wheel refinishing method you perfected over the weekend with the world, then this space is for you! We offer free server space for anything Alfa related, from how-to articles, auction picture hosting, or simply a webpage about your fleet.

You won't find a directory of this area of our site. It's up to you to share what you post with as many or as few people as you like.

Personal Sites
If you would like to create a page on our server, please contact us for direction on how to post it. We ask that you keep these sites to 1 page, and to please use our Classified Ads section instead if you have something to sell.

Picture Posting
If you are selling an Alfa-related product on an auction site and need a place to host the pictures, or just want to share a few quick snapshots with friends, here is the place to do it. Simply email us with the picture included as an attachment in either gif or jpeg file format (keep each individual picture under 50k file size, please), and we will respond with the exact address where your picture is posted.

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